"Medical Crimes, Medical and Hospitals" Movies

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Box Office
Box Office
Oct 19, 2021Last Man Down
Mar 29, 2019Screwball $8,595$13,967$13,967
Jun 16, 2017Il Boom $8,164$57,308$57,308
Dec 2, 2016Chongtian Huo $39,589$78,377$5,345,355
Nov 25, 2016Evolution $7,215$23,538$145,436
Jul 10, 2015Self/Less $26,000,000$5,403,460$12,279,691$33,667,319
Feb 26, 2015Kaaki Sattai $129,430
Mar 1, 2013Los Condenados $2,511$3,489$3,489
Mar 19, 2010Repo Men $32,000,000$6,126,170$13,942,007$18,195,238
Nov 30, 2007Awake $8,600,000$5,856,872$14,373,825$32,968,648
Jul 18, 2003Dirty Pretty Things $10,000,000$100,512$8,112,414$14,156,753
Aug 2, 1991Body Parts $3,032,258$8,398,855$8,398,855
Jul 10, 1991Regarding Henry $6,146,782$43,001,500$43,001,500
Feb 2, 1950The Third Man $1,034,144$1,490,498

Note: this list contains movies that match all selected keywords and one of each of the selected classifications.

Current Filters (Click to remove)

Medical Crimes - Medical and Hospitals

Related Keywords (Click to add to filter)

Cancer2 - Doctors2 - Dysfunctional Family2 - Faulty Memory2 - Money Troubles3 - Romance2 - Suicide2 - Surprise Twist4 - Terminal Illness2

Genres (Click to add to filter)

Action4 - Comedy1 - Drama2 - Horror2 - Multiple Genres1 - Thriller/Suspense4

Creative Types (Click to add to filter)

Contemporary Fiction6 - Factual1 - Fantasy2 - Science Fiction5

Sources (Click to add to filter)

Based on Fiction Book/Short Story3 - Based on Folk Tale/Legend/Fairytale1 - Based on Real Life Events1 - Original Screenplay9

Production Methods (Click to add to filter)

Live Action14

MPAA Ratings (Click to add to filter)

Not Rated7 - PG-132 - R6