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The Numbers - Oscar Result Predictions
The Numbers - Box Office Data, Movie Stars, Idle Speculation
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Predicted Oscar Winners

The Numbers' annual Oscar polls have proved to be remarkably accurate predictors of the final results on Oscar night. Each year we publish our most confident predictions in the days leading up to awards night, and we really stick our necks out on Oscar day by predicting the results in all categories.

We call results based on the hundreds of Numbers readers who vote in our Predict the Oscars competition.

We've received all the votes now, and are ready to make predictions in all categories. Percentage figures are the percentage of Numbers readers who believe a movie or performance will win in a particular category. They are a rough guide to how likely a particular movie is to win in a category - for example, we're pretty certain Shrek will win Best Animated Film, while we think A Beautiful Mind is, by a fraction, the most likely winner of Best Picture.

Click here to see the complete vote tallies in each category.

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